Thursday, February 28, 2008
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Song of my Life
I get so foolish
I get so stupid
and then I feel so useless
But You’re sayin’ You love me
and You’re still gonna hold me
and that You wanna be near me
‘Cause You’re makin’ me holy
You’re still makin’ me holy
-Clumsy by Chris Rice
Friday, February 22, 2008
Laid Bare
Because of my improper attachment to you, I’ve had to break away from almost all conversation… but you have no idea just how much I miss you.
You speak confidence, but your character shouts evidence of insecurity and flaws. I feel pity for you, to be honest, because I can see that you’re not truly living.
I listen to what you say and how you act, and it hurts me. I want so badly for you to grow up, but you seem to stay at the same level of immaturity. You project your feelings of inadequacy on me, and you try to bring me down to your level. It’s sad, really. You don’t understand what it means to love, and you can’t seem to find your way to adulthood.
You have had such a huge impact on my life. I will never forget the day that you put all else aside and just prayed with me for an hour because you knew that it’s what I needed. You genuinely care, and you’re incredibly loyal… and I love that about you.
On a different note... Here's my picture of the day. I think that people who take pictures of themselves are weirdos... but I did it anyway. Oh well.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Evan Wickham
Friday, February 15, 2008
Post- Valentines Day
Anyway, afterwards at 10, Weston, Cassandra, Becca and I went to Steak and Shake to get some late night grub... and ended up staying there past midnight. My eyes were shutting while we were sitting there eating and talking... but it was an amazing 2 hours. Forget 2 hours... it was an amazing night.
So, here's one of the many pics I was able to take last night... Hope you enjoy.

Thursday, February 14, 2008
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
I must say though, that the drive home was interesting. It was a rainy drive, accompanied by a Matt Kearney cd. But... the pleasant sound of rain lightly falling on my car window and some good tunes did not drown out my overwhelming, and slightly burdensome thoughts. There's been something on my mind and heart now for almost a year. The Lord knows my deepest groanings, but at times, I wish I could tell those closest to me in hopes to find some understanding, or comfort, or... something. Yet, my deepest fear is that the only words of comfort will be words that I can't bear to hear.
For now, this heavy heart will have to stay hidden from many, and laid bare to just One...
Goodnight all.
Give heed to my prayer.
From the end of the earth I call to You when my heart is faint;
Lead me to the rock that is higher than I.
For You have been a refuge for me,
A tower of strength against the enemy.
Let me dwell in Your tent forever;
Let me take refuge in the shelter of Your wings. Selah."
-Psalm 61: 1-4
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Saturday, February 2, 2008
How much you mean to me
Every word from your mouth
Is like a drop of honey
The stars would fall for you
And I would die for you..."
So, I was driving home from spending time with 5 of my favorite people in the world... and I had this song in my head. I stepped out of the car and began a tired walk to my back door, when I just happened to glance up... The sky looked extraordinary. The stars were as vivid as if I were standing beneath a Tennessee sky. I wonder how many people looked up at those same stars tonight and marveled at the amazing artistry with which they were designed.
Well... the tune of Stars Would Fall is still ringing in my head, as it has for the past week... and I'm ready for bed.
Goodnight to you, and goodnight to the one for whom the stars would fall.